Thursday, November 4, 2010

Test Review Day!

Hey everyone, here are my notes and shtuff from today. Enjoy!

Assignment: Blog about why you did or did not finish the Bible. If you did finish the Bible, how did you do it?

Things to think about:

Book of Luke (re-read)

Corinthians 2:9, 13, 15
-Midsummer Night's Dream
-Shakespeare used the Geneva translation of the Bible; KJV had not been written
-Nick Bottom strongly misread Corinthians 2:9-10

Book of John
-Why does Peter keep coming up in literature?
-He's the 'straight' man, the square

Book of Acts
-Qualifies as Romance

-Book for lunatics (eg Glenn Beck)

Questions for test:
  1. What is temenos?
  • A holy precinct; a sacred space within a secular landscape; the room in which the sacred things will happen
  1. What does Sarah from The Slave pretend to be?
  • Mute
  1. According to Frye, when is the epiphatic moment in the Book of Job?
  • When God speaks to Job out of the whirlwind in ch. 38
  • Note: an epiphany is a manifestation of the divine
  • Frye thinks the happy ending (a framing device) is the right one because the Bible is a comedy, not a tragedy.
  1. What does 'Islam' mean?
  • Submission, specifically in regards to God. The monotheisms are all submissive to God
  • Read 'The Satanic Verses' by Salman Rushdie!
  1. Why did Plotz think Gideon was so important?
  • Plotz thought Gideon was one of the good people in the Bible; he questions God's motives and isn't up to the occasion to do what God asks him. He, however, rises to the occasion.
  1. What tribe is Ruth from?
  • She was a Moabite married to a Hebrew man.
  1. Which book inspired 'Turn, Turn, Turn'?
  • Eccesiastes
  1. What psalm inspired Allegri's Misere?
  • Psalm 51
  1. Define parataxis
  • A literary form in which all clauses carry equal weight; eg they have no subordinate conjunctions
  1. What are the two types of Wisdom?
  • Conventional, proverbial wisdom and speculative, dark, dooming philosophies
  1. What book in the Bible never mentions God?
  • The Book of Esther
  1. Samson's act, after regrowing his hair, does what?
  • Pulls down the Temple of the Philistines, killing many people and himself
  1. What is the metaphor at the end of Ecclesiastes?
  • A decaying house is comparable to the human body
  1. Ecclesiastes is a what?
  • A preacher
  1. What is the central question of Job?
  • Theodicy; where is wisdom to be found? Why do bad things happen to good people?
  1. What does one father warn one against while traveling abroad?
  • Wine, women, and song
  1. In the parable that Jesus speaks in the Book of Luke concerning Martha and Mary, Mary is encumbered by many things. However, Jesus says she should be concerned by what?
  • The needful thing
  1. In the Book of Job: Le the day I was born be in darkness, for the doors be what?
  • Shut
  1. What apocryphal text does Wallace Stevens draw inspiration from?
  • Susanna
  1. Which Flannery O'Connor story is based on the burning bush?
  • Parker's Back
  • Obadiah Elaju was his biblical name
  1. What was the conventional wisdom of the three friends of Job?
  • Anyone who suffers must have done something to deserve suffering
  • God says they don't speak the truth
  1. What does Job's wife's advice?
  • Curse God and die.
  1. Read 116-119 in Frye
  2. What is kerygma; kerymatic writing?
  • One's message; how to live a fuller life, a life more abundant.
  • Something that revolutionizes and transforms one's thinking and perception of the world so that everything in the world becomes palpable and real.

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